There have been a flood of letters in the newspapers about the results of the Senate race. Here's one:
The weeping and gnashing of teeth have already begun; surely plagues and darkness will soon follow. Who will keep the law of gravity in place, now that Sen. Tom Daschle has been cast out? Will the Earth now tumble perilously into the sun? Will we be like helpless baby birds with our mouths open waiting for the sustenance that never comes?
Here's another from the other side entitled "Shame on S.D.":
I came to South Dakota when Sen. Tom Daschle first came into office. I have lived my whole life answering questions from people, such as - "Where is South Dakota?" and "Is there indoor plumbing in South Dakota?" ... All the Sen.-elect John Thune supporters think it's time for a change. The change will be that South Dakota will not get the appropriate focus on issues that are important to us. Our state lost a man of integrity and replaced him with a man who will agree with anything the Republican Party tells him. Shame on you, South Dakota.