One hates to use that term, but it's simply unavoidable. While driving in the car today, I constantly heard Daschle radio ads saying that Thune was a lobbyist for meatpackers who oppose Country of Origin Labeling (COOL). THAT'S NOT TRUE. Thune worked for BPI, a South Dakota company which processes meat, and has taken NO POSITION on COOL. Daschle is simply not telling the truth. Daschle also says that Thune lobbied for pharmaceutical companies. That's simply not true either. Thune did NOT lobby for pharmaceutical companies. Thune worked for South Dakota companies such as a South Dakota railroad and a South Dakota ethanol company. See the lobbying report here. Daschle is horribly desperate. I'm embarassed for him. If you want to see who really has the lobbying problem, see the report from the liberal Washington Monthly entitled "Tom Daschle's Hillary Problem: If the Senate Majority Leader runs for president what will voters think of his lobbyist wife?"