When Daschle induced Tim Giago out of his third party candidacy Giago said this:
“A lot of the things that were discussed I can’t discuss here,” Giago said. ... Giago said, “Every Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota will be shocked and surprised at some of the issues Senator Daschle will bring forth.”
Ryne spent some time with Senator Daschle today and notes this:
When reached the Senator, I posed my first question: "Senator Daschle, an issue that I think would interest many South Dakotans, particularly those in the Black Hills, is exactly what you're going to discuss with Tim Giago on September 25th." I made it perfectly clear that many have come to the conclusion that they should expect something "big" to result from that meeting.Daschle was a bit taken back by my implication that this would be a meeting of "great importance" to the Native Americans in South Dakota. "We're going to be discussing opening a dialogue," Senator Daschle said, "that extends beyond fifteen minutes in Washington or ten minutes at a pow-wow." I pressed a little harder, but couldn't get him to elaborate any further. Daschle is going to keep his "word of honor" insofar as attending the meeting with Mr. Giago, but it doesn't sound to me like the hellacious issue of returning South Dakota lands to the Native Americans is going to be involved.
Giago said we'll be "shocked" at what comes out of the meeting and Daschle says don't expect anything. So I guess we don't know what's going to happen. Read Ryne's entire report.
UPDATE: SDP has more, including the Washington Post report on the whole matter.