As indicated from my emails yesterday, many people found Daschle's spell on "Meet the Press" ridiculous. But don't take it from me. Take it from Minnesota Public Radio, which noted the same response among college students:
"I think they do," said Thune. "I think when you have political leaders in your country, Tim, in a time of war -- when you've got young men and women on the ground, South Dakota men and women, Guard men and women, active duty personnel, who are putting their lives at risk for the United States of America -- and you've got a leader from your state who is getting up and attacking in a way that completely undermined the morale of our troops -- that's wrong.""That's a very serious charge, your words, embolden the enemy," said Russert.
Daschle responded looking very much the victim.
"John's attacks on me, where I come from, would earn a trip to the woodshed. He knows that's wrong. His effort to demonize me won't work in South Dakota," said Daschle.
The students watching the exchange laughed and rolled their eyes. Many of the students believe the war has little to do with the race in South Dakota. For them, their vote is for social and moral issues.