From yesterday's debate:
Pam Geppert, Dakota Farm Talk: Renewable fuels legislation hangs in limbo in Washington and has for some time. What is your solution to getting renewable fuels legislation passed now?Tom Daschle: Well Pam, as you may know, we passed the renewable fuels standard twice by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. We passed an energy bill by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. Unfortunately you have Republican leadership on the other side who say that their price for ensuring that we pass energy this year is to exempt the oil companies and the manufacturers of methyl tertiary butyl ether from any liability for the damage created in now 43 states costing more than $200 billion. So we have a problem. The Republican leadership continues to insist that that be done. I said “You take that out, we will pass an energy bill, I will get the other votes.”
This is simply not true. In the April ethanol vote, the Republicans DELETED the MTBE provisions and the Democrats still filibustered the bill. Will somebody please report this?! Shouldn't the press care about this?