SOME OF THE BLOGGERS IN ATTENDANCE AT THE DAKOTA BLOG ALLIANCE CONFERENCE: Left to Right: Jason Van Beek of South Dakota Politics, Steve Sibson of Sibby Online, Quentin Riggins of Quentin Riggins Blog, Jay Reding of (a great blog which will soon be joining the Dakota Blog Alliance since Jay just moved to Sioux Falls!), Peter Curtis of South Dakotans for a Sound Society, me, and Ryne McClaren of Ryne McClaren: A Weblog. We were very happy to have John Hinderaker of Powerline fame give the keynote speech, but he didn't make the photo because he had to run to the airport. Hinderaker's early thoughts on the conference are here. The above photo was taken at the downtown Sioux Falls bar "Long Shots," whose proprietor is a blog fan and extended the invite. Let me just say thanks to everyone who helped with the conference yesterday. And I especially want to thank KELO-Land Television, KSFY News, and the Associated Press for writing stories about the conference. My comments to the news people focused on the importance of such civic involvement to the democratic process. We're blessed to be able to criticize and dissent and pick on the Argus Leader--some worth remembering when reading the lovely obit of Czeslaw Milosz.
Finally, note the conference platform here--it's not the Omaha Platform of 1892, but it's not bad, either. More on all this later.