Some of the Rotarians yesterday had comments on the Argus Leader's 25 odd stories about that Planned Parenthood link on a state library website being removed. 25! A couple said to me--"you know about the 'C' word, don't you?" "Catholic?" I said, noting the Bishop was involved (that's a history answer--the last respectable prejudice, No Irish Need Apply etc). "No, censorship! Those stories make the press go wild." Fair enough. Along those lines, the Dakota bloggers were interviewed 10 days ago or so for an Argus article and people are wondering if the story was spiked, especially since it describes blog criticism of the Argus and also discloses the reporter's politics, which only seemed fair since the article focused on blogger politics. So, was it spiked? I really doubt it, but the editors have had it for four days now, so who knows. The reason I doubt it was spiked: Howell Raines. Remember when Raines' New York Times was crusading against the Masters golf tournament and Augusta and a sports reporter wrote a column defending them and Raines spiked it? It was a huge blow-up. Surely the editors at the Argus remember that episode and are smart enough to avoid that same situation. Speaking of censorship, this should be a bigger story.