I mentioned this back in early June, but now here's more:
You've heard of pitting Americans against Americans, right? Well, how about pitting Americans against Iraqis? Sen. Tom Daschle is one of the politicians who do it, and he did it glaringly in his Dem convention speech: "[My constituents] wonder how we can build new schools in Iraq, while so many American schools are crumbling. [As though a shortage of money had anything to do with American education's most serious problems.] And it doesn't make sense to them that we're paying over $2 for gasoline at home, while American taxpayers are funding nickel-a-gallon gas in Iraq." There were no doubt politicians who groused about investing in Germany and Japan, and who made hay out of it on the campaign trail-but we don't have to admire them. Facing a tough reelection race, Daschle is talking about putting "America first." Strange, for the leader of the Democrats to be using such language, freighted with historical significance. But that is what Democratic political necessity has brought us to.
Remember, Daschle is the Democratic leader. The more Daschle's political position erodes, the more irresponsible demagoguery there will be.