SDP links to, the Drudge of the left, and notes this essay about Daschle's purported support for the President. It's an un-filtered view of Daschle from the Democratic base and worth another look:
BuzzFlash has posted several editorials calling for Tom Daschle to step down as minority leader, most recently on November 24. We've stated our obligatory acknowledgments that Daschle is a nice guy, well-spoken, and knows how to wear a suit. But, he's also inept, inconsistent, and ineffective as minority leader, and more interested in holding his senate seat in South Dakota than in leading an opposition party.
Ouch. They also view him in another editorial as the "Minority Enabler":
Zell Miller, Joe Lieberman, and Tom Daschle have been among the few Democrats we have lambasted. Of these three sinners, Daschle is the most dangerous. He is blinded by his self-interest, the influence of lobbyists, losing "deals" that he strikes with the White House, his perceived need to often vote in support of Republican bills because he is from an Ultra-red state, his desire not to pressure Democratic senators, his need to feel collegial "love" from his Republican colleagues, his ineptness, his timidity and his overall lack of leadership.
Double ouch. By the way, Senator Kennedy came to Daschle's defense.